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Binixo is a comparison website that lets you review and choose between different loan offers of up to 25,000 pesos.


Quick loan

Amount between ₱1.000 and ₱25.000

Approval in 15 minutes


Binixo is a financial comparison portal that allows you to review, compare, and choose different loan offers. Once you fill out the form, Binixo will analyze your information and recommend loan options that match your needs. You can then choose and request one. The approval of the loan depends on the financial institution granting the loan, not on Binixo. 

On the website, you can find loans between ₱1,000 and ₱25,000 with interest rates that range from 4% to 916% annually, depending on the bank or financial institution offering the loan. The term to pay the loan varies, and you can choose the most convenient one when filling out the form. The approval is quick and does not take into account credit history.

Binixo is not a direct lender. The service only connects clients with financial institutions that offer what the client is looking for. Binixo is not responsible for loan agreements between the client and the lender. The website only provides information about loan offers to clients so they can choose one.

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