With Credy, you can get personalized recommendations of loan offers that have a high likelihood of being granted. Credy can’t promise all loans will be granted, as this depends on the lending partners, but its service tailors the recommendations to increase that likelihood as much as possible.
Using the service is simple, complete the form with your basic personal information and wait for Credy to verify your identity. Normally there’s one verification, but there may be multiple in some cases. Once your identity is verified, you get matched with an offer from one of the lending partners. You’re under no obligation to take the offer, but Credy tries to pick the best one for you.
You can request a loan of ₱1,000 to ₱25,000 and have 61 to 120 days to repay it. The interest rate varies from one lender to another, but it can range from 0% to 143% APR.
Features |
Banking product |
Entidad de microcréditos |
Loan amount |
From ₱1.000 up to ₱25.000 |
Tenure |
From 61 days Up to 120 days |
Interests and costs | Credy doesn’t charge fees for its service. Lenders will have an interest rate ranging from 0% to 143% APR |
Missed payments |
If you can’t repay on time, you should contact the lender directly to negotiate a solution. This may be an extension of the term with a fee, but it should not affect your credit history. |
Benefits |
Requirements |